Can an ERP Purchase Be Capitalized? IRS Section 179

a notepad with scrabble letters spelling tax advantages next to a cup of coffee

If you’re a US company, you might already know about a U.S. tax deduction called Section 179. This tax benefit means you can deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment within the year it’s purchased, instead of writing off small amounts over many years. For tax years beginning in 2022, the maximum section 179 […]

How to Know When You’ve Outgrown QuickBooks

a person holding a cell phone next to a laptop

Choosing the right business software is an investment in your company’s growth. Picking the wrong one puts your ability to plan, forecast, or execute in serious jeopardy.   Case in point: A 2016 survey revealed that out-of-date technology costs businesses as much as $1.8 trillion per year in lost productivity. That means the software you thought would scale with your […]

Quickbooks vs. SAP Business One

a dashboard showing the number and percentage of employees

For some time, recently developed finance software has been blurring the line between accounting software and ERP systems. A lot of people refer to both concepts interchangeably to mean the same thing, even though they are quite different. Who can blame them? Accounting software like QuickBooks comes with features that help integrate business functions across […]

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